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Flusskrebse zubereiten

Verfasst: Di Apr 04, 2023 10:51 pm
von hector
Hallo Community,

ich bin Angler und darf in meinem Revier (ein Donau-Abschnitt in NÖ) mittels Krebsreusen den invasiven Signalkrebs befischen. In regelmäßigen Abständen nehme ich mir 2-3 Kg Flusskrebse mit nachhause und verarbeite sie in der Küche.
Gibt es hier im Forum jemanden der ebenfalls regelmäßig Flusskrebse zubereitet?
Ich bin auf der Suche nach neuen Rezepten.

Momentan verarbeite ich das Flusskrebsfleisch am liebsten in Nudelgerichten. Als Basis dient mir hier immer der selbst gemachte Flusskrebs-Fond.

Wie bereitet ihr eure Flusskrebse am liebsten zu?

Re: Flusskrebse zubereiten

Verfasst: Fr Jun 16, 2023 9:34 am
von lolliesnuclear
In a pot, bring salted water to a boil and season your crayfish with salt. The fish should be properly cooked after 5-8 minutes over medium heat, but t[External Link Removed for Guests]he shell should still be brilliant orange if prefered. Pour the water out of the pan and plunge into an ice slurry or cold water to stop the cooking process.

Because the cooking process is easy, crayfish can be boiled at home and offered as a delightful treat. Cleaning your crawfish is the most critical stage in the procedure. Water can be enhanced with fresh herbs such as oregano, fennel, thyme, basil, parsley, and coriander. Those who appreciate cooking can create a beer cray fish boil recipe.

Re: Flusskrebse zubereiten

Verfasst: Mo Jun 19, 2023 10:36 am
von Ulrike M.
lolliesnuclear hat geschrieben:
Fr Jun 16, 2023 9:34 am
In a pot, bring salted water to a boil and season your crayfish with salt. The fish should be properly cooked after 5-8 minutes over medium heat, but t[External Link Removed for Guests]he shell should still be brilliant orange if prefered. Pour the water out of the pan and plunge into an ice slurry or cold water to stop the cooking process.

Because the cooking process is easy, crayfish can be boiled at home and offered as a delightful treat. Cleaning your crawfish is the most critical stage in the procedure. Water can be enhanced with fresh herbs such as oregano, fennel, thyme, basil, parsley, and coriander. Those who appreciate cooking can create a beer cray fish boil recipe.
Bitte Antworten in deutscher Sprache -danke! Ulrike M. - Moderatorin